Create The Harmonious Home You’ve Always Imagined

Discover how to develop effective parenting strategies grounded in your child’s personality.

Are you struggling to connect with your child?

Does your home feel like a battlefield?

Are you experiencing daily power struggles?​

You feel frustrated and out of control. You’re trying your hardest, but you find yourself losing your patience daily. Then later you’re filled with the guilt and shame that comes from letting your family down.

There’s so much advice out there, which makes it hard to know what you’re supposed to be doing! Even if you can find the time to read a parenting book, none of the strategies seem to work with your child.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone!

You don’t have to do this on your own

What if you could go from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated to more connected

with your child (and yourself)?​

What if you understood the science behind your child’s personality

so you could parent them more effectively?​

What if you had a toolkit of parenting strategies designed specifically for YOUR child,

based on their unique personality?​

Parenting doesn’t have to feel like a guessing game. With the right strategies, you can go from trial and error to feeling confident you’re being the best parent you can be.

That doesn’t mean you’re perfect–there’s no such thing as a perfect parent! But when you know what your child needs from you, you can feel empowered in the decisions you make for your family.

Create A Peaceful Home With The Parenting

Blueprint™ Program

Having a more connected and harmonious home begins with digging into the personalities that contribute to your family dynamic. Backed by neuroscience and the latest child development research, The Parenting Blueprint™ Program begins with a personality assessment to help you understand your child.

​The self-paced video Parenting Blueprint™ Course will help you create an action plan with practical and effective strategies based on the personalities in your family. You can also choose to add on 1:1 coaching calls so you can get personalized guidance as you implement your new parenting plan at home.

Hi, I’m Mindy

When my kids were growing up, I was anything but the perfect parent!

I knew what kind of mom I wanted to be, but sometimes it was very difficult to translate those aspirations into my day-to-day life. Looking back, I wish I had someone to show me how to fully step into becoming the parent I wanted to be for my children.

Now that my children are grown, my mission is to help parents like you create deeper, more fulfilling family relationships. As a parent coach, I’ve seen how discovering the unique gifts inside your family personalities can be an absolute game changer for your parenting!

So if you’re ready to have someone come alongside you in this journey and help you become the parent you’ve always wanted to be, let’s do this together.

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The Joys And Challenges Of Parenting?

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